Dragons and goblins to boats and seashore, 'smokey' incense burner boxes, sculptures and much more!

Beantighe are Pam and Alun Dyson. We are both part time potters with a love of creating with clay. We work from a studio in Banff, NE Scotland, overlooking our garden on the Moray Firth.

Pam's sculptures are figurative from local characters, dogs, jewellery to tiles, occasionally with a comical twist. I'm also into mystical figures, dragons, goblins and strange beings. All work uses sculpting clays and speciality glazes. My creations are influenced by my surroundings, reading matter and the last film that I have watched!

Alun is a straight line sort of potter creating slab-work pieces that develop into ceramic boats and fantasy pieces incorporating driftwood collected locally. During lockdown he has created some ceramic tractors influenced by a visit to Turriff Show. Also steampunk models: not certain where this influence came from!

Beantighe now does 'upcycling'. In addition to driftwood ceramics, we have now started to rescue pieces from charity shops for a makeover. Repurposed items include mirrors, picture frames etc.

When you have a Beantighe ceramic item there is a dead cert it will be the only one in the world!

WE ARE OPEN BY APPOINTMENT OUTSIDE OF NEOS. Please use Contact section of web site.
Part of our sales income is donated to Deveron District Age Concern.



A small selection of Alun's work


A small selection of Pam's work


Joint ceramic pieces and other Beantighe pictures


Birth of a fantasy figure

Raku firing 'Painting with Fire

A tour of our studio, NEOS2021


Details of future planned events will be announced here.

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